2013年12月10日 星期二

enable sftp transfer to instead of the ftp protocol

1. add these lines to /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Subsystem sftp internal-sftp

Match Group sftpusers
    ChrootDirectory %h
    ForceCommand internal-sftp
    AllowTcpForwarding no

2. add one group name sftpuser
#groupadd sftpusers

2. add one user for testing
useradd -g sftpusers -d /home/sftp/user1 -m user1
usermod -s /bin/false

3. add /bin/false to /etc/shells 

4. change permission for the user
# chown root:root /home/sftp/user1
# chmod 755 /home/sftp/user1

5. restart the ssh service
# /etc/inti.d/ssh restart

6. create another folder to writable and mount it to the subfolder
# mkdir -p /home/sftp-write/user1
# mkdir /home/sftp/incoming
# mount --bind /home/sftp-write/user1/ /home/sftp/user/incoming

7. testing for the sftp  
#sftp user1@xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx

2013年11月13日 星期三

ssh autologin to multi server

         three server with ip,, 10.10.10,3

1. install all open ssh package on these servers
# apt-get install ssh

2. create the same user account on these servers
# useradd -d /home/user1 -m user1
# passwd user1

3. on one of these three server , generate the public key
# ssh-keygen -t rsa

4. copy public key to the others
#ssh-copy-id -i user1@
#ssh-copy-id -i user1@

5. testing the autologin function

2013年11月9日 星期六

how to install mongoDB

1. insert into key from url to get mongDB key
#sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv 7F0CEB10

2.modify the apt source.ist
#echo 'deb http://downloads-distro.mongodb.org/repo/ubuntu-upstart dist 10gen' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb.list

3. update the repository
#sudo apt-get update

4. install mongoDB
#sudo apt-get install mongodb-10gen

5.testing the mongoDB

2013年9月1日 星期日

nfs disk

1.modify /etc/exportfs
/disk1      10.x.x.x(ro,async,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)

2. export setting
# exportfs

3. restart nfs service
#/etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart

4.if some client just support nfs 3 like vmware
run this command to use version 3
#rpc.mount --nfs-version 3

2013年8月14日 星期三

ubuntu 12.04 install vsphere sdk for perl

1. install required component
#sudo apt-get install ia32-libs build-essential gcc uuid uuid-dev perl libssl-dev perl-doc liburi-perl libxml-libxml-perl libcrypt-ssleay-perl

2.download vshpere sdk api

3.modify vmware-install.pl
comment out proxy setting

4.install vsphere sdk and required perl module

5.ignore verify server ssl certificate

2013年6月27日 星期四

eclipse develop google app engine

1.download eclipse and etract it to one folder
# tar zxvf eclipse-reporting-juno-SR2-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz

2.install google app engine plugin
click help menu and under install new software subitem
add new websit
name: googleAppEngine
url: http://dl.google.com/eclipse/plugin/4.2

3. install packages for gwt designer
#sudo apt-get install libwebkitgtk-1.0.0

2013年6月14日 星期五

ubuntu 12.04 install tomcat7 and eclipse

1.install tomcat 7
#apt-get install tomcat7 tomcat7-admin tomcat7-docs tomcat7-examples tomcat7-user

2. download eclipse and install it to system

3. remove the file in eclipse project  workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings
#cd /home/myproject/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings
# rm org.eclipse.jst.server.tomcat.core.prefs

4. ensure eclipse can access tomcat file
#cd /usr/share/tomcat7
#sudo ln -s /var/lib/tomcat7/conf conf
#sudo ln -s /etc/tomcat7/policy.d/03catalina.policy conf/catalina.policy
#sudo ln -s /var/log/tomcat7 log
#sudo chmod -R 777 /usr/share/tomcat7/conf

5.make user /usr/share/tomcat7 had read permission by all user
#cd /usr/share/tomcat7/conf
#sudo chmod 644 tomcat-users.xml

6.on eclipse create runtime-environment
Window->Preferences->Server->RunTime Environment

7.create new run server 
windows->show view->servers

2013年3月14日 星期四

how to update old repository

1. remove /etc/apt/source.list

2. add lines as follows into source.list and change version
#vim /etc/apt/source.list

# Required
deb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick main restricted universe multiverse
deb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick-updates main restricted universe multiverse
deb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick-security main restricted universe multiverse

# Optional
#deb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ karmic-backports main restricted universe multiverse

3.update the repositoroy
#apt-get update

2013年3月12日 星期二


1. install openswan package
#apt-get install openswan

2. modify ipsec.conf setting
#vim /etc/ipsec.conf

version 2.0
config setup
           dumpdir = /var/run/pluto
           nat_traversal = yes
           oe = off
           protostack = auto
           interfaces = %defaultroute
           klipsdebug = none
           plutodebug = none

conn asa
           type = tunnel
           authby = secret
           left =
           leftsubnet =
           leftnexthop =
           right =
           rightsubnet =
           rightnexthop =

           esp= 3des-md5-96
           keyexchange = ike
           pfs = no
           auto = add

3. modify ipsec.secrets
# vim /etc/ipsec.secrets PSK "asopfjas@owewfspfjowp@ksloj"
include /var/lib/openswan/ipsec.secrets.inc